Engine Intake Port and Valve Decarbonizing

In simple terms, Valve Decarbonizing or Engine Decarbonization of an engine involves removal of carbon deposits from the engine, using either mechanical (physical) or chemical methods. Your engine gets very hot near its valves and combustion chamb...

Unlock The Performance Of Your Supercar!!!

WE ARE EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE THE ARRIVAL OF OUR NEW TUNING SOFTWARE KIT FROM WEISTEC ENGINEERING!! We now have the ability to unlock and tune the ECU for Aston-Martin, Lamborghini, Maserati, McLaren, Pagini, Alfa Romeo, Audi, and BMW in-house wit...

Turbochargers and the Modern Car

The turbocharger has come a long way in vehicle applications. A turbocharger harnesses the thermal energy of the engine’s exhaust to spin a turbine which is connected by a shaft to an impeller which sucks air and compresses it to forcibly feed ...

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